December 26, 2005

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December 21, 2005

Branches & Roots

While working on President Hinckley's August 2005 challenge to read the Book of Mormon, I came across a verse in Jacob 5 that cause me to ponder. In verse 47, the master of the vineyard is pining over the fact that his good olive tree has become overrun with wild fruit despite all his effort to encourage the growth of good fruit through pruning, fertilising, and aerating. His servant's response is in verse 48:

"And it came to pass that the servant said unto his master: Is it not the loftiness of thy vineyard——have not the branches thereof overcome the roots which are good? And because the branches have overcome the roots thereof, behold they grew faster than the strength of the roots, taking strength unto themselves. Behold, I say, is not this the cause that the trees of thy vineyard have become corrupted?"

It seems the grafted-in wild branches spread out to bear fruit more quickly than the roots could handle.

As I was pondering this, I wondered if perhaps some new members are similar to this tree. Not in the idea that they are bearing wild fruit or that their efforts are corrupted, but in the idea that perhaps they are spreading out quickly in an effort to produce a lot of fruit. Too quickly for their root system.

Do we expect too much of our new converts? Do they expect too much of themselves?

December 20, 2005

Court Rejects Intelligent Design

The verdict is in, and intelligent design is out. CNN reports:
"'Intelligent design' cannot be mentioned in biology classes in a Pennsylvania public school district, a federal judge said Tuesday, ruling in one of the biggest courtroom clashes on evolution since the 1925 Scopes trial."
I know the LDS church doesn't have an official policy one way or the other, but I'm curious what readers of Our Thoughts think about the decision.

Converts vs. Constancy

Which would you do if you were president of the Church?

A: Tweak doctrines and policies as society values change in order to encourage church growth through converts. This would allow more people to be baptised and receive saving ordinances, but may give some persons the impression that God changes.

B: Keep doctrines and policies the same despite society values in order to maintain the idea that God never changes, but risk a reduction in church growth through converts. This would mean that less people receive saving ordinances.

December 19, 2005

Christmas Eve VS No church on Sunday

If we are to spend this time thinking of the birth of Christ and making your "holiday" more Christ-centered and spiritual why is it we only get to go to church on Christmas day every 6 years or so when it happens to hit on a Sunday? I have to yet to understand that concept. I am so thrilled this year that we actually get to go to church on Christmas Day. What a better way to keep Christ in your Christmas then to get away from all the gifts and food etc then by going to partake of the Sacrament and think of Christ. I miss Midnight Mass from the old days.


When Joseph Smith was visited by Jesus and God, he was told that the Christian denominations at the time were all wrong, all their creeds were an abomination, their professors were all corrupt, their words spoke of Christ but their actions did not, and they taught commandments of men as doctrine (See JSH 1:19).

In the 185 years since then, have Christian churches improved? Are they still corrupt and abominable? Are their professions of Christianity still hollow?

December 16, 2005

Rum Ball

I ate a rum ball today. Well, actually, it was more like half of a rum ball. I have to say that rum balls have to be the grossest things I have ever tested. I can't believe people like these things. And to cover it in chocolate; how deceptive.